With Snow Leopard, windows are aligned on a grid, so most people will find it a little easier to quickly scan through their screen and find the window they want. In previous versions of Mac OS X, when you used Exposé to display every window in your current application or all the windows on your screen, the arrangement of the windows could be a bit haphazard.
Originally introduced in Mac OS X Panther. ExposéĮxposé displays one app’s windows, including two minimized ones (bottom).Snow Leopard offers a few improvements to Exposé, the window-management functionality In-depth look at Snow Leopard’s hidden malware protection. If you want more information, our Dan Moren has written an As a result, we expect that there will still be a strong market for third-party virus-checking and -removal software. However, once you’re infected, Snow Leopard doesn’t have a system for removing that malware.

However, that list can be automatically updated via Software Update, so it definitely provides a first line of defense against unwittingly infecting your computer with evil software. It’s a testament to the limited number of Mac OS X malware threats that Apple’s stock list of dangerous files contains all of two entries. The same system that Leopard employed to warn you before you open programs or mount disk images downloaded from the Internet now also checks those files for known dangers. Apple’s not trumpeting the feature, but Snow Leopard does actually include a certain degree of built-in protection against dangerous software.